Sunday 10 February 2013

Spirit central and leaping crystals

Last night myself and some lovely friends got together for a spirit evening  (and lots of food and cake as well of course!).

My house has a hallway that is 'spirit central' with lots of activity so we thought we would tap into it and see what we could find out.

We found two spirits that needed help crossing over...and who are now happy 'on the other side' and we also discovered that there must have been a through fare of some sort crossing where my house is, a main road that carried lots of foot traffic and carts - no wonder my hallway is so busy with spirits!

After the spirit work we grounded with the help of some hematite crystals which it seems did not want to stay in my hands, one leapt out and hid behind the TV and another jumped across the room and now sits right under the sofa...they are obviously meant to be there.

We followed up with some crafting - witches bottles, faery bottles and medicine pouches.

A lovely evening with very wonderful people that I am blessed to have in my life.

Note: I want to just state here that we are all experienced witches and one amongst us in particular is a talented medium, all safety precautions were taken so that negative spirits were not allowed in :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well done All of you. Sounds like it was a wonderful evening, and some good work done. Blessings to all, SLWolf


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