Monday 11 February 2013

Hair cuts and colours...

On my way home from the school run this morning on a whim...I popped into a hairdressers.   I haven't been in one for about a year.  My hair being very long I haven't felt the need until now.

I haven't used this particular hairdresser before (Hair Ott in North End), but I popped in just to ask for advice and suggestions for a bit of a revamp.  What I received was a very warm welcome in an extremely busy shop, especially as it was only 9am and on a Monday morning.

I got sat down with one of the senior stylists (who had beautiful hair herself) for a free consultation, she did my skin colour tone for advice on hair colours and she did a face shape consultation to advise what hair styles would suit me, she gave me suggestions for a cut but surprised me as there was absolutely no sales pressure at all.

Consultation over I asked to make an appointment as I was very pleased with the friendliness and professionalism and any place that is packed at that time on a Monday morning must be good!

One of the staff had a cancellation so I got an appointment straight away...must be fate ;-)

The lady that cut my hair was 50s styley looking with amazing scarlet hair, she chatted as she cut my hair but not too much and no 'are you going on holiday' questions LOL.

I had about four inches cut off the bottom of my hair - eeep!  And had some long layers put in to give it shape and I am very pleased with it.  There was no pressure when it came time to pay to purchase all sorts of products and no pressure to make another appointment straight away.   I did come away with a booklet of vouchers for money off my next cut and money off a colour.

She also sent me away to research what colours I would like for my hair and to collect some photos to bring in at a later date if I wanted her to colour it for me.

What an enjoyable and relaxing experience.

Over the years I have had pretty much every hair cut, style and colour from crew cuts to perms and through the whole colour spectrum...the question now is...what colour next? ;-)

I have blogged about the power of hair before - Hair Power blog post - and it is true, how our hair feels and looks does affect how we feel.

And now I feel like a Harmony hairspray add *swishes hair*


  1. I just love salon days! Pampering is a wonderful gift to one's self. I had to laugh, because I have also been through the spectrum ~ from blonde, purple, fuchsia, red, black, natural from pxie cuts to long perms...
    Now I am back to blonde and I love it, but I would love, love to add some soft turquoise, pink or lavender ;-)
    p.s. love the new blog pic!

  2. ooh pink or lavender would look amazing on you!


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