Thursday 17 May 2012

Carrying the flame

I worked with my new Lady of Avalon altar today, specifically with the candle I made to honour her.

I used a large pillar candle and infused it with oils and herbs that I felt were suitable.  I have it as the main feature on her altar.  

Today I wanted to meditate with the Lady so I choose a small beeswax candle, I had no idea what colour I wanted to use I just opened the draw that holds them all and asked what colour, my hand moved towards the pink candle so that is the one I used.

I then lit the main pillar candle and stood for a few moments to ground and centre, then I lit the small pink candle from the main candle flame.  Blowing out the main candle flame I took my smaller pink candle to where I meditate and set it (carefully!!) on a candle holder in front of me.  

I had already set out my cushions to sit on and lit some incense so I was good to go.

I will use the main pillar candle to light smaller candles from for several reasons:  My altar isn't in a suitable place or at a suitable height to sit in front of and meditate.  And I like to sit in the conservatory to meditate, I can lay out cushions and throws and sit and listen to the birds singing and the wind chimes chiming.   It also means I can use the pillar candle as the main focus for my altar but take the energy from it onto smaller candles that I can use for specific purpose, intent or meditation, using colour magic I can tailor the smaller candles but still use the energy of the Lady of Avalon.


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