
Kitchen Witch School

Kitchen Witch worldwide online School of Natural Witchery:
Kitchen Witch facebook page

All our lessons are original. All homework is reviewed by a School Elder.

Each lesson is taken at your own pace, you will have a dedicated Elder to help with any questions or queries you have as well as supporting you throughout your entire journey with us. We also provide on line journals for you to document each step of the way.

All lessons, study circles and rituals for the school are run on line so it doesn't matter where you are in the world!

Our Forest of Oak includes 21 lessons covering:

Introduction & what is a witch, Energy & protection, Meditation & visualisation, Wheel of the Year, Esbats, moonlight & sunlight, Deity & offerings, The Elements: Earth, Air & weather magic, The Elements: Fire, Water & bone magic, Spell writing, Ritual, Magical tools & altars, Record keeping, Candle magic, affirmations, Animal magic, The Fairy realm, Divination, Healing, Crystals, Herbalism & wildcrafting, Nature's Magical Bounty.
This is our 'first degree' equivalent, giving a broad outline of the basic building blocks of the Craft, it is good for beginners but also good for those that have some experience but want some structured learning and also good for those that have experience but would like a 'refresher'.

If you then want to move onwards, we also have the Forest of Ash, also containing 21 lessons covering different subjects, and following on from that the Forest of Hawthorn.

After completion of the Forest of Oak you will receive a certificate and the title Priest/ess of the Oak, after completion of the Forest of Ash you will receive a certificate and the title Priest/ess of the Ash, after completion of the Forest of Hawthorn you will receive a certificate and the title Priest/ess of the Ash.

There is then the option to also move on to become a High Priest/ess.

Our school also includes branch lessons where you can study a particular subject such as tarot, runes or crystals and includes an extensive Grimoire that is being added to all the time.

We also run regular online rituals, study halls and chats in our forum chatroom.

At Kitchen Witch we want to unlock the Witch Within you.

What we strive to do is to get each person to work with their intuition and instinct.

Note: We do have an age limit for the school - you must be over 18 to join.

There is no registration fee and there are three levels of membership.

To set up your monthly subscription to the Kitchen Witch School


  1. I've just registered for the course. Will you be sending me assignments online? How often should I expect them?

  2. Hi Frances - full details of how the course works can be found on the Kitchen Witch forum (under 'how to join') but you should now have two emails in your inbox with your welcome details and first lesson. :-)

  3. The forum is


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