Tuesday 23 July 2013

past life...in the present...

Yesterday afternoon was spent immersed in 'past life healing'...which turned out to be an interesting experience.

It started a few weeks back when I met Steve Bradshaw at Chi Coffee for the free healing sharing day (he is there every Thursday)...following on from that Steve did a 'Soul Awakening' for me.

I have always had some psychic abilities but they have been intermittent ... Steve scanned and found that a past life had 'attached' itself to me and was blocking my psychic third eye...and cleared it away - I am now working with my gifts in a whole new way, thinking my abilities only covered clairaudience was a mistake...I have a whole host of new skills to work with now that cover all the 'audiences' LOL.  Don't get me wrong I won't be getting up on platform any time soon (or ever) or giving readings to strangers in the middle of a restaurant (which I wouldn't anyway as I think that's just not right) but it has given me new 'old' skills to work into my Craft.

So yesterday I decided to ask Steve to work with past life healing to see what else we could uncover...four past lives in fact, still attached to me in this life - all extremely interesting and all affecting my health, my abilities and the way I think, act and react in this life.

Huge clear out...huge release...slept last night for hours and hours...

Today I am feeling slightly weird...well OK weirder than usual...but processing all that was uncovered and all that was released and am feeling a sense of well being and of wanting to plan and plot and  move forward with new energy and a different outlook on life...

Starting the day with a fantastic review of my new book Pagan Portals Hoodoo on the Telegraph's website, yep the Telegraph no less...am feeling all sorts of grown up LOL

Onwards and upwards as they say...look out world I'm coming to getcha...

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